Homepage - Select Sires Member Cooperative

Four Cooperatives Merge

The boards of directors of All West/Select Sires, COBA/Select Sires, Select Sires MidAmerica, and Minnesota/Select Sires have voted unanimously to merge as one cooperative representing the Select Sires federation in 27 U.S. states and the country of Mexico.  Farmer-owners can expect to continue receiving industry-leading genetics and quality service from the passionate team who serves them. As of October 1, 2023, Select Sires Member Cooperative consists of over 300 employees serving over 10,000 valued cooperative members. Among the many benefits of merging as one, Select Sires Member Cooperative will remain a farmer-owned-and-controlled cooperative led by fellow producers.

The Chute – Beef Newsletter Spring 2024

Sire Directories

COBA/Select Sires, Inc. operates as a true cooperative to provide superior genetics and service to benefit its member-customers. (10/6/93).