COBA/Select Sires services
the areas in RED.
COBA/Select Sires Service Areas
- Ohio
- All Counties
- Pennsylvania
- Alleghany, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cambria, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Fayette, Forest, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Lawrence, Mercer, Somerset, Venango, Warren, Washington, Westmoreland
- West Virginia
- Barbour, Boone, Braxton, Brooke, Cabell, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Fayette, Gilmer, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Kanawha, Lewis, Lincoln, Logan, Marion, Marshall, Mason, Mingo, Monogalia (western), Ohio, Pleasants, Putnam, Ritchie, Roane, Taylor, Tyler, Upshur, Wayne, Wetzel, Wirt, Wood
- Indiana
- Dearborn, Franklin (East of 101 & 1), Jay (East of US 27), Randolph (East of US 27), Union (East of US 27 & 101), Wayne (East of 27)
- Texas
- All Counties
- Arizona
- All Counties
- New Mexico
- All Counties
- Oklahoma
- All Counties
- Mexico
- Dr. Fernando Alvarez S., Gerente-Mexico, (442) 219-2025, [email protected]
Please call 1-800-837-2621 for your contact information.
COBA/Select Sires, Inc. operates as a true cooperative to provide superior genetics and service to benefit its member-customers. (10/6/93).